How to Create a Range Slider Control WordPress Widget
WordPress offers a range of Widgets by default to include in sidebars. These include Image, Gallery, Recent Posts, Recent Comments, Archives, Text and many others. If you have ever developed a WordPress Theme, you would be familiar with the concept of Custom Widgets. These are widgets specific to a Theme. I would not go in the details about creating a custom widgets as I'm assuming you already know that if you are reading this article. In this article, we'll be creating a Range Slider Control for a Custom WordPress Widget. I'll be creating the default slider but each one of them is possible.
How to Integrate bxSlider in WordPress(No Plugin!)
bxSlider is one of the best and most useful jQuery plugins to include slider, carousel or ticker functionality to your WordPress Theme or website. What makes bxSlider so popular is its ease of use and very high level of customisability. It is very easy to integrate and provides a ton of customization options so that you always feel in control. In this article, we will see how to integrate bxSlider in a WordPress Theme or website the right way without using any external plugin.
How to Set A Static Front Page in WordPress
Adding A Featured Image in A Post in Your WordPress Theme
One of the most important queries from the users is regarding the setting up the Featured Image or the Post Thumbnails for their posts and pages. For such a common feature, it is surprisingly a frequently asked query. In this article, we'll see how to set a Featured Image for your post.