How to show the date for a post in WordPress?

WordPress, primarily being a blogging platform, has blog posts at the centre of it. While designing a WordPress theme, more often than not, there is a need to add a custom layout for posts. And while creating the layout, usually the date of the post needs to be displayed. In this article, we are going to see how to add a date to a post in WordPress.

How to Create a Range Slider Control WordPress Widget

WordPress offers a range of Widgets by default to include in sidebars. These include Image, Gallery, Recent Posts, Recent Comments, Archives, Text and many others. If you have ever developed a WordPress Theme, you would be familiar with the concept of Custom Widgets. These are widgets specific to a Theme. I would not go in the details about creating a custom widgets as I'm assuming you already know that if you are reading this article. In this article, we'll be creating a Range Slider Control for a Custom WordPress Widget. I'll be creating the default slider but each one of them is possible.